Jewel Blade Limited

Company Overview

About Jewel Blade Ltd

Established for over 90 years, Jewel Blade is a world leader in the production of high performance precision blades for use in various industries. The UK manufacturer is located in Sheffield, England at the heart of the GREAT British steel industry and is justifiably proud of its long history and unique cutting edge manufacturing facilities. Read More...

Company History

Jewel Blade, located in Sheffield England, was founded in the 1920s as a family run business known as The Jewel Razor Company, producing quality razor blades and playing an influential and pioneering role in the manufacture of razor blades from stainless steel. Read More...


View our Quality, Environmental & Energy Accreditations along with Health & Safety information. Includes certificate downloads. Read More...

Ethical Trading

We are fully aware of the responsibility we bear towards our customers, employees and the communities in which we work, so we have applied a strict set of ethical values to guide us in our business dealings; these include but are not limited to an Ethical Trading Policy and a Supplier Code of Conduct. Read More...

Environmental, Energy & Quality

The W.R. Swann Group will continually improve its environmental performance in line with its Environmental Policy by implementing and maintaining an Environmental Management System, which includes developing, maintaining and achieving objectives and targets.

The W.R. Swann Group is committed to responsible Energy Management and will practice energy efficiency throughout all of our facilities, plant and equipment wherever it is cost effective to do so. Energy Management plays a key role in our business. Read More...


The W.R. Swann Group is committed to reducing its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions for scopes 1, 2, and 3 as we work towards achieving ‘Net Zero’ by 2050.  This commitment was made on 23/02/2023 by the Directors of W. R. Swann Group. Read More...

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Modern Slavery Policy and Commitment Statement. Read More... 

Data Protection

You can view our Data Protection Policy, Employee Privacy Notice and Job Applicant Privacy Notice here.